Jazz dance shoes, or in other words jazz shoes, belong to the dancer's basic equipment. It is important that they fit perfectly so that the feeling of..
Have you got flat feet or fallen arch?You can live with that of course and thanks to regular exercises you can get a significant improvement. A fallen..
Did you know that what you do during the summer holidays can be a key predictor of what the next dance season will look like? Top athletes and perform..
Dancers who perform on the stage literally incredible, incomprehensible acrobatic stunts, jumps, pirouettes and swings often have to concentrate for l..
Taking care of dance shoes is one of the basic conditions for dancing. After all, what other than health and healthy feet do you need for dance?Just i..
However, craziness is here and it's a pity that the Christmas period is becoming more and more associated with stress, nerves and chasing, rather than..
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